The German start-up provides a set of modular software and hardware solutions for IoT sensor installation and maintenance. These tools are applied by energy suppliers and the housing industry.
The platform simplifies and accelerates consumption billing for the real estate industry. It serves as a control center for device configuration and data processing, working hand-in-hand to deliver a smooth sub-metering process - from installation to cost allocation, and more.
The then-existing prototype was not strong in terms of architecture, scalability, and future maintenance. It required a solution for passing data from meters to a gateway, sending it to a server for processing, and utilizing it for cost allocation. We started with a code review and shortly were given the first major task - to develop the core of the product, which offers flexibility in terms of future iterations and experiments.
Stable, scalable, and cost-effective backend API allowing other companies to integrate the system into their legacy apps.
We shipped the API to connect a Rails backend with the customer mobile application.
Meter values can be automatically transferred from one software system to another.
The software provides monitoring and alarm functionalities.
Thanks to wireless technology, consumption data is readily accessible in the web application.
The solution provides users with high-resolution monitoring in real-time.
Single-page web application for platform management and sensor installation.
The platform is stable and currently running more than 500 gateways, each of which handles around 1100 meters.
The more I got to know them, the more I appreciated their style of work. They’re helping us build the right tool, not just by providing designers, but also by understanding the problem and product very well. They constantly enable us to challenge our solution, asking a lot of good “Why?” questions and proposing easier solutions to our problem. Their support is invaluable.